🚨PitchtownTV Follow Up! 🚨
For our second ever PitchtownTV episode, @juliarobb pitched the pilot of
@the_oa to the rest of the @bingetowntv crew :
We loved the pilot / first season so much that we decided to record follow up episodes for each season of the show! #savetheoa !
Today we drop our podcast review is season 2! We loved this show and cannot believe it was cancelled! We are still holding out hope that somehow it can be saved! SAVE THE OA!
Apple- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bingetowntv/id1514725515?i=1000541124705
Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/episode/6y1bGRNVUbAaiUbA6DqTGG?si=3LSeDx_1SUihDlNekCCqFg
Quick Recap of PitchtownTV Premise:
Y’all know we love TV and nothing makes or breaks a show like the pilot. With that being said: Welcome to PitchtownTV, where friends come to pitch the pilot of a show they love to the rest of us who haven’t seen it. The newbies (rooks) will then decide whether they’ll binge the show or pass on that shit. How vulnerable!!!!!!
If you’d like to listen to our pitchtowntv episode covering the pilots of #theoa , #outlander , and #wynonnaearp , all you have to do is check out the link in bio, search for us on your favorite podcast app, or checkout bingetowntv.com !
If you’re looking to support the pod, you can check out our Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/Bingetowntv ! We want to thank our Patrons for all of your support! You guys keep this podcast running!
If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe to us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or any of your favorite podcast apps. If you really like what you hear, please give us a 5⭐️ review! You can also find us on Twitter and Instagram (@bingetowntv) and www.bingetowntv.com !
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