Will our sweet boy Sam be gone by the end of the Gen V Season 1 Finale? No, I don’t mean literally gone. Let me explain. Our latest theory is that the Gen V finale is setting up an X-Men VS Brotherhood of Mutants storyline for The Boys Universe, and Sam and Cate will be joining the Brotherhood of Mutants side of the conflict. Alright, let’s break it down.
In Gen V season 1, episode 7, Victoria Neuman came to the campus of God U for a town hall meeting, which led to student protestors getting rowdy and calling for Supe Rights. The debate over Supe rights in Gen V has created division amongst the superhero community. There was clearly a substantial portion of the audience that believed that Supes are superior to humans. This political divide over “supe rights” in Gen V could be setting up The Boys’ own version of the fight between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants from Marvel Comics.
Before we go further, let’s quickly discuss the X-men and the Brotherhood for anyone who is not familiar with marvel comics. In the Marvel Universe, for simplicity sake, you can compare mutants to the Supes in the Boys Universe. The X-Men’s leader, Charles Xavier, envisions a utopia in which mutants and non-mutants can live side-by-side in peace. While the Brotherhood of Mutants’ leader, Magneto, believes that mutants are genetically superior and need to seize control of the world from the non-mutants. Magneto is not afraid to use violence to reach his goals, while Professor X does not believe violence is the answer. Sound familiar?
We’ve had plenty of hints of this story with Homelander and Stormfront, but this plot is now starting to take center-stage in Gen V. So why will Cate and Sam join The Boys version of The Brotherhood of Mutants? These are two people who have been majorly wronged by non-supes. Sam, as a “resident” of “The Woods”, was imprisoned and tortured over and over. In episode 7, Sam was introduced to Rufus and his “Supes are superior” crowd, and he seemed to take a liking to their ideology. He even stated out loud that Supes were superior during the final scene at Dean Shetty’s house. Cate was a young girl who had Compound V forced upon her without her consent, and when she accidentally used her powers for the first time, her parents called her a monster and locked her in a prison for years. Cate was also manipulated by Shetty and forced to do her bidding in the attempt to get rid of Supes. These two have been majorly damaged by humans and there seems to be some hatred there, especially in Sam.
Lastly, these two seem to be the most similar to Magneto when it comes to violence. Marie and Jordan seem to constantly want to save people, even the person who was plotting to kill all Supes… while Cate and Sam believed it was “justice” to have Shetty slit her own throat in front of them. Will it go as far as having Sam and Cate joining Homelander by the end of the season? Maybe. We do know that Homelander will Cameo in the season finale. I do, however, think Sam and Cate, (especially Sam) will eventually have a redemption at the end of this storyline and will join back up with Marie, Jordan, and Emma. In the end, it feels like we might be losing our friends Sam and Cate to the other side while Marie and Jordan join “Professor Xavier’s” side. And don’t think I forgot to bring up Andre, we think he’s dead by the end of this last episode. What do you guys think? Let us know in the comments.